برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager,برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager,برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager

برنامج تم تطويره خصيصا ليكون اقوى محرك لادارة الأقراص الخارجية. أنه يوفر الوقت

وتمتد قدرات المستخدم على العمل النشط مع محركات أقراص فلاش، والأقراص المحمولة

، وقارئات البطاقات والأدوات الأخرى.

Zentimo xStorage Manager - is the manager of USB devices, it saves time and enhances the user experience when working with flash drives, portable drives, card readers and other gadgets. The program provides a convenient safe removal, free from flaws built into Windows, shows what programs are hampered remove the device, removes the disk empty slots card reader is able to return back to the disabled and the device contains a wealth of other features for a comfortable and pleasant to work with hot-plug devices (USB , SATA, FireWire).


- Safely remove in one click.

- Rename the device.

- Change device image.

- Hide unnecessary device from the menu.

- Scan for hardware changes.

- Stop all devices simultaneously.

- Keyboard shortcuts for stopping a device or a menu.

- Ability to remove unnecessary devices from the stop menu.

- Device names + renaming.

- Possibility to stop the drive SATA.

- Allows you to return the device back.

- Just a small menu where you can add programs files folders from your portable drive for quick launch.

- The program has the ability to test your portable gadgets on the read / write speed.

Whats New:

[-] Some devices were not longer displayed since new version

[-] The program didn't display results of device speed test

[-] Incorrect license key end date could be displayed for some licenses

[-] For some valid license keys the "upgrade period has expired" message was displayed.

[-] In some cases the license key could not be entered

[-] A technical error was displayed when a malformed license key is enterd

[-] When the program options window was displayed an attempt to choose "Program options" from the menu led to a technical error message

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8





,ترفيه,سعودى,منتديات تلبي جميع احتجاجات المستخدم العربي,

برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager,برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager,برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager,برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager,برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager,برنامج ادارة الاقرص الصلبةZentimo xStorage Manager

المصدرمجلة الإبتسامة

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