2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه
انجلش ,سعودي , اللغه الانجليزي , دروس انجليزي , دروس انجلش , شروحات , جمل انجليزيه , كتب انجليزيه , تعلم اللغه الانجليزيه , تدريس الانجلش , قواعد اللغه الانجليزيه
2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه,,2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه,2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه,2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه,2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه المصدرسعودي انجلــش
via سعودي انجلــشانجلش ,سعودي , اللغه الانجليزي , دروس انجليزي , دروس انجلش , شروحات , جمل انجليزيه , كتب انجليزيه , تعلم اللغه الانجليزيه , تدريس الانجلش , قواعد اللغه الانجليزيه
I copied the same Grammar rules with examples
There are two ways to teach Grammar tenses
1-examples imitation : :smile (40):
if u want to make it easy to understand :
do not focus on the form of tense , concentrate on the situations in which we use the grammar rules , and then have ss give examples on each situation
for example if u want to explain future progressive :
tell them that we use it when want to talk about something in the future at a specific time .
then give an example :
I will be praying alfajer tomorrow at 6 am .
then tell ur Ss to give examples , they will imitate ur example
2- traditional way
the wrong way to teach it is to tell ur Ss like this :
first you have to put subject then will +BE +v+ing
.they will make mistakes because you break it into many parts then they get confused:smile (93):
try examples imitation when u teach tenses , then plz tell me if it works with ur Ss.
i hope u like it
you can download the ppt file from this link
There are two ways to teach Grammar tenses
1-examples imitation : :smile (40):
if u want to make it easy to understand :
do not focus on the form of tense , concentrate on the situations in which we use the grammar rules , and then have ss give examples on each situation
for example if u want to explain future progressive :
tell them that we use it when want to talk about something in the future at a specific time .
then give an example :
I will be praying alfajer tomorrow at 6 am .
then tell ur Ss to give examples , they will imitate ur example
2- traditional way
the wrong way to teach it is to tell ur Ss like this :
first you have to put subject then will +BE +v+ing
.they will make mistakes because you break it into many parts then they get confused:smile (93):
try examples imitation when u teach tenses , then plz tell me if it works with ur Ss.
i hope u like it
you can download the ppt file from this link
انجلش ,سعودي , اللغه الانجليزي , دروس انجليزي , دروس انجلش , شروحات , جمل انجليزيه , كتب انجليزيه , تعلم اللغه الانجليزيه , تدريس الانجلش , قواعد اللغه الانجليزيه
2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه,,2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه,2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه,2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه,2a future tenses power point وطريقة شرحه المصدرسعودي انجلــش
via سعودي انجلــشانجلش ,سعودي , اللغه الانجليزي , دروس انجليزي , دروس انجلش , شروحات , جمل انجليزيه , كتب انجليزيه , تعلم اللغه الانجليزيه , تدريس الانجلش , قواعد اللغه الانجليزيه
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