A poem driving everyone crazy with its awesome twist ending.
At first glance, this poem seems like something a mopey,
angst-ridden teen would write. But when you read it from the bottom up, it suddenly becomes very inspirational
Nobody knows who posted this poem inside a London bar.
Ronnie Joice just saw it and put in on Twitter, where it quickly went viral. But nothing stays secret on the Internet for long,
and the origins of the poem were quickly discovered.
angst-ridden teen would write. But when you read it from the bottom up, it suddenly becomes very inspirational
Nobody knows who posted this poem inside a London bar.
Ronnie Joice just saw it and put in on Twitter, where it quickly went viral. But nothing stays secret on the Internet for long,
and the origins of the poem were quickly discovered.
انجلش ,سعودي , اللغه الانجليزي , دروس انجليزي , دروس انجلش , شروحات , جمل انجليزيه , كتب انجليزيه , تعلم اللغه الانجليزيه , تدريس الانجلش , قواعد اللغه الانجليزيه
A poem driving everyone crazy with its awesome twist ending.,,A poem driving everyone crazy with its awesome twist ending.,A poem driving everyone crazy with its awesome twist ending.,A poem driving everyone crazy with its awesome twist ending.,A poem driving everyone crazy with its awesome twist ending. المصدرسعودي انجلــش
via سعودي انجلــشانجلش ,سعودي , اللغه الانجليزي , دروس انجليزي , دروس انجلش , شروحات , جمل انجليزيه , كتب انجليزيه , تعلم اللغه الانجليزيه , تدريس الانجلش , قواعد اللغه الانجليزيه
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